Your recommendation will reinforce your expertise and give your clients ONE MORE
reason to trust you for all their real estate needs.
Client Retention
At every lease renewal we find out if the owner wants to keep renting or sell. If they say they are thinking
about selling, we let you know and make sure the business comes back to you.
Free Rental Analysis
Does your client need to know what something will rent for and you're not sure? ask us, we want to help.
Exclusive Education
We send 1 to 3 minute videos on the latest legal changes, best practices and insights into Portland's rental market.
We educate you, we don't sell and never SPAM your inbox.
Referral Rewards
As an added bonus, we pay cash for clients.
Rent on Signed Contract
Lease Only
We will match referral fees up to $500 past the $3,500+ mark